Personalized Humanist Ceremonies
Humanist weddings are secular in nature and are designed to benefit people, not institutions, and use non-theistic language. I offer several pricing packages for wedding services.​
End of Life Celebrations
Life Celebrations can be performed as part of a burial, cremation, or graveside service or as part of a memorial service separate from the burial or cremation. Even more so than in weddings, the difference between a life celebration and a standard burial ceremony can be vast.
A life celebration will not include ideas that our loved one is “in a better place” or “with God.” It will focus on the nature of mourning and loss, but also how we can live our lives to honor those who are no longer with us. Many people find that life celebrations can be uplifting and joyous occasions to celebrate the one whom we have lost.

Gina Polesetsky is a Humanist Celebrant available for wedding ceremonies and end-of-life celebrations that reflect Humanist principles.​ She offers her services in the Los Angeles area with the primary goal of helping people celebrate life and love in a way that respects their identities and values.
She is passionate about celebrating the precious and powerful connections of love and community with the couples and families with whom she works.
In addition to serving as a Humanist Celebrant, Gina is an LMFT in private practice, a professor in Pepperdine University's graduate program for clinical psychology, and a volunteer working with K-12 aged children in Los Angeles and Culver City. Gina’s proudest role is that of mother and step-mother, A.K.A. "Mimzy," with her husband, Matt, to their three inspiring children and three adorable fur babies..
Celebrating weddings for LGBTQIA+ couples is a special proclamation of love, and Gina welcomes couples representing the full rainbow of gender identities and sexual orientations, honoring her belief that love is sacred, and that everyone should celebrate their most meaningful moments in a way that truly represents who they are.​

Budget Wedding Package - $500
Choose from three pre-written ceremonies. This package includes a consultation, access to readings for personalization, performing your wedding, and finalizing and mailing wedding license paperwork.​
Custom Wedding Package - $700
Choose from a variety of options for text to create a custom ceremony that best fits your personalities and wedding theme. This package includes everything in the budget package and the option to include any specialized traditions into your ceremony, such as a sand ceremony, breaking the glass, etc.​
Custom Wedding Package - $900
With this package, I create a personalized ceremony for you that tells your personal love story, giving your friends and family an intimate look at what brings them all together that day. I will meet with both of you ahead of time for an interview to craft your story that will take your friends and family on a journey of your relationship, from your lives before you met, to the first date, the engagement, the reasons you chose to spend your lives together, and your plans for your future partnership. This package includes everything in the budget and custom package, the love story/couple bio, and assistance with your vows, if requested.
End-of-Life Celebrations - $750
For end-of-life celebrations, I meet with the family and/or friends to learn more about their loved one to create a ceremony to honor their life, and then guide your celebration or memorial.